05 November 2011

Odd, if not Old

Dear Dr. Bones,

Here’s a pretty penny for you, Old Guy:

What is “Old Boston”? Am I It? – Tom Conroy Has Valid Ammo Against Lizzie Warren – Mike Flaherty Going Back to Council? – New Bridge Means Faster Deliveries to Casino Customers
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii | Fri, Nov 4, 2011 12:30 PM EST


Hey, anyone see the new draw bridge they’re building to replace the broken down one in East Boston near Suffolk Downs? It goes right to Chelsea.

Once the casino is built the the Spanish and Asian hookers along with the drugs will arrive in 30 minutes or less. Guaranteed.

Another great example of government and business working hand in hand.


¡Well, well! Almost fifty years in exile from Chicagoland, and yet I would never have guessed that Chelsea is visible from the Palace of Public Television atop the Great Blue Hill.[*]

Be that as it ain’t, not too far away looms this , which must be just about the last word in Neoboston.. As soon as they have completed that "elevated plaza deck above Wonderland MBTA Station, " I promise to hobble up to it and wave at E-comrade Ernie.

Happy days.

[*] Passing quickly over "A pity that Chelsea should be visible from *anywhere*," let me say that what we have here sounds a bit like the old chestnut about Governess Paling lookin’ forth over Siberia from Wasilla Felix. Given the general level of self-humour that obtains in Blue Blazerdom, however, . . . .

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, ’tis a pleasure to have someplace to go for a second opinion (after Dr. Carr’s of the _Herald_ of Louisedayhicksville, that is, naturally) on how the OTHER ninety-nine percent live. Accordingly, I cross my fnigers and hoep nobody drops a dime to the Thought Police about that distinctly Howie-oid exuberance--¡tusk, tusk!--concerning "Spanish and Asian hookers [and] drugs."

(( ¿Does one need a special license to do stuff like that on the well-gated communitarian slopes of the G. B. H.? If so, _¿Donde se puede solicitar un permiso?_ ))

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