29 October 2011

"Lefty Meets the Lyin’ Class" (An Open Letter to the Great Blue Hillbillies)

¡Much Esteemed Blazers of Blueness!

I write in respect of the following passage noted _chez vous_

I love how they . . .

. . . . keep quoting how she’s “thrown rocks” as if she was suggesting she threw rocks literally. It makes me chuckle.

Seriously, though, the GOP continues to demonstrate that it has absolutely, positively NO PROBLEM lying like a freaking rug. They will SAY ANYTHING to get elected, lying about supporting things they’re blatantly trying to kill. The truly amazing thing is the length to which they get away with it — the fact that the media simply won’t allow itself to tell the world that the emperor has no clothes, instead creating false equivalencies or allowing GOP spin without fact checking.

ryepower12 @ Fri 28 Oct 12:49 PM

I think Your Worships ought to look at the unproblematical "freaking rug" from your Class enemy’s point of view. If YWW [0] were the Republicanine Representative of the Wisconsin First in the Federal Congress, might not even YWW find yourself scribblin’ in the _Wall Street Jingo_ looney bin ("op-ed page") of 5 April 2011 that "the safety net for the poor is comin’ apart at the seams"?

Indeed, might not YWW have scribbled that yourself yesterday afternoon for Mother Dog or Firelake Jones or perhaps the brand-new _Osservatore Zucchiniano_ or _Deweyplatzer Nachrichten_?

Exactly *where* your worships might have said such a thing one cannot guess, for it were mere delusion to suppose that the Vanguard of All Bluegressive Humanity, V(G)ABH, can ever confine itself to one particular medium of record, not even ’GBH or the New York Tomes Company. A murdochopoly, or single bottle-neck, through which all emanations of the Higher Blueness must trickle is nearly as unthinkable as it is nonexistent

Still, YWW could give P. D. Ryan mendacity lessons if I am simply mistaken in supposing that YWW frequently think thoughts that very closely resemble "the safety net for the poor is comin[g] apart at the seams." ¡Golly, would YWW have had *me* fooled!

I appreciate that Lefty was upset largely because the seams in question are bein’ continually picked at by good volks like the whiz-kid neocomrade. Nevertheless, when that specimen emitted the soundbark that runs in fuller

No one person or party is responsible for the looming [1] crisis. Yet the facts are clear: since President Obama took office, our problems have gotten worse. Major spending increases have failed to deliver promised jobs. The safety net for the poor is coming apart at the seams. Government health and retirement programs are growing at unsustainable rates. The new health-care law is a fiscal train wreck. And a complex, inefficient tax code is holding back American families and businesses

the only reason I myself feel the slightest urge to come forwards to extinguish the posthonourable neogallant’s pantaloons is that "fiscal train wreck" baloney. I admit that the Smirk of Janesville does make itself look [2] a little worse an’ smirkier than it absolutely needs to when it comes closest to flat-out lyin’ at the same point where it also comes closest to its own ‘professional’ ‘expertise’. [3]

The question, however, is ¿How close is that? And I reply, "Not very close."

Had the Smirk been sincerely worried about wreckin’ trains, it would not have blithely proposed to do pretty near nothin’ at all about the Medicare Menace for a dozen years. But ¿to call it a liar on that account? I think not. By a standard of veracity *that* severe, ¡well mun we alle singen _Cum vix justus sit securus_!.

Once we dismiss that, the most plausible count of the mendacity indictment, lesser included charges must evaporate as well, like presentin’ a Thirty Year Plan for Party & AEIdeology under the utterly absurd pretenses of it bein’ a Fedguv budget for twelve months, FY 2012. Nobooby who knows enough about such things to be dangerous can deny the utter falsity, in one sense, of that shameless ploy, but that undeniability itself lets the Smirk off the hook _quâ_ liar: it cannot properly be said to *lie* to us, after all, when none of us would even dream of believin’ a word that it barks.

With most of such factious barkin’s, questions of True v. False do not arise at all, it seems to me. A Smirk of Janesville makes queer noises ’bout ‘seams’ an’ "safety nets" to alert other Party neocomrades that it is one of them. To treat such tokens as policy proposals would be like solemnly discussing whether a Mohawk warrior’s haircut is factually accurate or logically compelling.

That is to say, somebody has made a mistake about the *genre*.

Happy days.

[0] ‘YWW’ is to be pronounced so as to rhyme with _Vdd._ in Cathtilian. Which--small world--is also what it means.


[1] As I said, this alleged loomin’ incident took place several -- nearly seven -- months ago. So the Smirk is undoubtedly guilty of quotin’ itself. That offense, however, is quite distinct from lyin’.


[2] http://j.mp/cwH4gU

That beaut is at the Smirk’s own day-job website, notice. Every time I recur thither I wonder that that cartoon has still not been replaced. Nobody at all would holler ’bout lyin’, I don’t think, if the Smirk just silently put up a less off-puttin’ snapshot of itself. As one who happens to have grown up just over the southern border of Smirkestán (Lake County IL), allow me to assure YWW that the yocals do not *all* look like that up there.

The fact of nonreplacement perhaps rises to the level of the Sherlockian barkless dog in the night, in that the Smirk’s core constituency must either not notice any æsthetic problem, or else actually *like* that sort of thing. My guess is that the Core-in-Chief, the globalised Bigmanagers of NewsCorp an’ ScroogeBank an’ Warbucks Defense Widgets (&c. &c.) simply don’t care: such exalted freelordships as they would not be caught dead in Kenosha anyway.

The in-district core, on the other hand, whom I take to be small-town neo-Babbits an’ Chambermaids of Commerce much like those of Worcester County, find the smirkin’ a positive plus: after all, their clever little laddie in Congress has a whight to look smug, havin’ figured out admirably which side its bread is buttered on. To which there may or may not be added a certain smugness on their mini- an’ microfreelordships’ own score, for of course they know themselves to be safely masters, well aware that if the Smirk were *really* as clever as it accounts itself, it would not be in politics, it would be out stayin’ rich in the secret sector like a rational critter.

"Jowls trump smirks," a hostile observer of America’s Otherparty might generalize, with reasonable safety.


[3] The "intellectual foundation" (©, and ®, and ™) of the Smirk’s pro expertise appears to be He went on to graduate from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, with a B.A. in economics and political science in 1992 which sounds ¿maybe a tad thin? to the present H*rv*rd.

(( DIGRESSION. Big LEW, The Learnèd Elders of Wiki, almost make one side with the oppressed wingnutettes an’ wingnuts when they venture to suggest that the Smirk’s Tert. Ed. credentials are to be reinforced with rubble like "Ryan briefly worked during college for the Oscar Mayer meat and cold cut production company as a Wienermobile driver."

(( This, too, is (presumably) no lie, yet ’tis not exactly good-tasty either. ))

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