04 September 2011

The Prophet Honoured at Home

Passing over Howard Louis, Freelord Carr, we come to a peanut-gallery wingnutette who seems to live in MA without actually hatin' W. Mitt Romneycare all that much:

I notice that the people who criticize Romney always skip over the fact that he is an extemely successful business man. He built businesses from the ground up. He saved the Olympics. What a joke that some dopey guy from Utah that was affiliated with the Olympics said that Mitt "just happened to come in at the right time". Well, I hope he just happens to come in at the right time to Washington, say around Jan. of 2013. Maybe he'll just happen to get lucky there too, like his businesses just happened to get lucky.

Any sane, non political fanatic has to look at this guy as the most qualified to turn around the economy. What other national candidate with executive experience is more qualified to fix a broken economy and get the deficit and unemployment moving in the right direction again?

Someone try to debate that without using names or insults or general statements.
And if you're going to just say "Romneycare" and not cite any specifics, I'll just assume you have no idea what you're talking about.

There is a big difference between a state trying to reign in it's (_sic_) own health care costs and trying to nationalize the entire health care industry. If you try to compare the two, you are not capable of looking at things in-depth. Slogans and catch phrases that try to simplify intricate matters only prolong the problem. We need honest debate and well thought out solutions. Accusations and demonizing are only masking the problems like a pain killer when surgery is required to solve the fractured bureaucracy on a more permanent basis.

The neocomradess seems not to appreciate that she is proposin’ an innovation. Traditionally, America’s Otherparty has not run its Owners for President. From outside the mon[k]ey house, the reason appears to be that Republican hack pols are, consciously or subliminally, always presumed by their own Party base an’ vile to be third- or fourth-raters: I mean, if they were really any good, wouldn’t they be out enrichin’ themselves in the Secret Sector like rational creatures?

His Texcellency -- Don Ricardito de Perry y Stetson -- is perfectly traditional by that standard. [**]

Willard Mitt, second Freelord Romneycare in the peerage of Foxcuckooland, on the other hand, is a bit of a historical puzzle.

Perhaps his freelordship suffers from self-doubt problems an’ has decided that he is not really up to bein’ a proper Owner of America, but would make a really top-drawer hired hand, devoted to the interests of his acknowledged Betters? [*]

Happy days.

[*] Willard groupies might prefer to believe that their Neohero is inauguratin’ a new age, an’ therefore not to be bound by the conventions of yesteryear. Well, OK: an arguer might argue that Ownership of America is no longer what it was back under General Grant or Major McKinley, that mere ownership is nowadays trumped (ahem) by Big Management, especially now that the latter has become a learnèd profession in which one can obtain formal degrees from the H*rv*rd Victory School and lesser seminaries of Mammon.

Since his freelordship sports both an HVS MBA an’ the traditional J. D. of the hack pol (from H*rv*rd Law, as it happens), he might even be regarded as the perfect transitional figure, if one disregards the HVS MBA of George XLIII -- which, to be sure, it is rather a wonder the H*rv*rds did not revoke, considering what a mess Master Dubya seems to have made of the secret-sector business corporations he tangled with.


[**] Well, not quite perfectly: Don Ricardito never did trouble to get that nominal law degree.

A compare-and-contrast exercise with Freelord Romneycare as regards experience in the Secret Sector might be fun: what is Bain Capital, after all, when set down next to "several summers with the Southwestern Company, as a door-to-door book salesman"?

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