18 September 2011

¡Let us have our neoclichés in full, please!

Dear Dr. Bones,

Wandering, lonely as a cloud, over the Palace of Public Television atop the Great Blue Hill, I intercepted a still, small voice transmitting as follows:

Why porcupine?

Probably because a peaceful protest against corporate power can be portrayed as the rabid, brown, left wing mobs out to get hard workin’ folks like us

jconway @ Sun 18 Sep 2:01 PM

Make that, at very least, "rabid, BLUE-brown, left-wing mobs out to get DECENT, hard-workin’, BY-THE-RULES-PLAYIN’ [**] folks like WUNNERFUL US"

But seriously (¿?), we really could do with a canonical form of this Tee Putty boilerplate, without which the Three Weird Sisters would be reduced to something like fifty percent dead air on the caller side.

There are, by the way, 9,160,000 g@@gs (in 0.26 seconds) for "play by the rules" as opposed to a mere 1,430,00 (0.22) for "we make the rules," a ratio that may be pertinent to the eventual fate of the cult of St. Elizabeth.

(( "Who, me, officer? But I was just countin’ . . . . Well, and maybe playin’ Pin-the-URL-on-the-Lynx a little with Ms. Goneril an’ Ms. Reagan an’ What’s-her-face over there hidin’ behind King Geezer." [*] ))

Happy days.

[*] _Vide supra_: [Links fixed. Please, for the love of Pete, learn how to insert links instead of typing in long URLs! -ed.]


[**] (( PHILOLOGICAL ADDENDUMB for Specialists (and the VERY bored ))

I sent the pet g@@gle out with my new, improved version and what I got back was

tollwütigen, blau-braun, linker Flügel Mobs aus, um anständige, hart workin ', By-The-Rules-PLAYIN "Leute wie Wunnerful US

I find it hard to decide what to like best in that surprise packet. ¡’Tis the Plenty of Father Zeus, begorrah!

(1) Winner is, I guess, that mysterious "_um sich_" with neither a ‘_zu_’ nor a verb anywhere in sight. ¡Talk about "wander lonely as a cloud"!

(2) Runner-up is the way they flip a coin each time as to whether the republicanine mood of the American verb should be spelled in New High Prussian with single or double inverted commas. An’ speakin’ of -canine, Wildhagen 1953 (675a _infra_) never heard of _*tollwütig_, giving _Tollwut_ as the name of the brain disease, but bare _wütend_ as an adjective for the patient or victim or consumer or user thereof.

(3) Naturally my little attempt to get in the target-language spirit with "by-the-rules-playin’" only made everything worse. Shoulda known that it would. "No good deed goes _unbestraft_," after all. And furthermore, ¿Hath President Berliner not said, "_Das Leben ist nicht fairembalanced_?

(4) On the nerd side, not only do the B'nê G@@G not allow one to cut-and-paste their invaluable gibberish without a struggle, they have found a way of omitting the phrase to be translated from the U.R.L., so that one can no longer toss a link around but must copy it all out -- after figuring out the paste puzzle. Though this nifty arrangement makes it a little more difficult to nail the perps in error, it does not make it utterly impossible, which alone would seem to me to make it worth their trouble.

Mais que sçay-je? (( The B.G. get that one wyrd too. Natchrully. ))

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