Young diverse economically ambitious men and women characterize the progressive movement. The Internet is their voice. |
Thus one of those gentlemen who dwell above the clouds, in the shadow of the Palace of Public Television atop the Great Blue Hill.
Meanwhile, down in the Cities of the Plain, the latest Gatling gun has in fact somehow fallen into the hands of the younger Natives, who are ... contemptuous of their own Alzheimer’s-challenged:
Klan-watchers ... suspect that the nation’s oldest domestic terrorist organization is indeed struggling to keep pace with other racist hate groups. Young racists tend to think of the Klan as their grandfathers’ hate group, and of its members as rural, uneducated, and technologically unsophisticated. The Klan doesn’t seem to have used the web and social media as well as its competitors.
I take these ‘competitors’ to be--not the Blue Blazers, nor the League of Women Voters, nor "the Democrat Party," not anybody else the least bit like that, but rather--the sort of goodvolks who caused the writer at _Salon_ to exclaim "(Note: this link, like others in this article, leads to an extremist website.)"
So sing along with Geezer Paddy, youngsters: "This is the dawning of the Age of Breitbartius, Age of Breitbartius [*] . . . ."
(( HISTORICAL ADDENDUMB. A similar fatuous self-complacency obtained for a couple of years in certain circles after Exmas Day 1991, when the Lenin-Gorbachev Racket terminated prejudicially. "Young diverse economically ambitious" Xerox-machinists had overthrown Bolshevism, so now we must needs all live happily ever after. Of course we didn’t actually get Be‘ûlâ Land on that occasion, only Franky von Fukuyama tryin’ to persuade us that we did. ))
Happy days.
[1] The New York Times Company’s second-string whight-winger says it better than Paddy can:
For Breitbart, that legacy is the media landscape that greets those same hipsters and professionals whenever they settle into their local coffee shop and fire up their laptop or iPhone. Breitbart’s politics were right-wing, but his digital media achievements were entirely bipartisan.
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