Dear Dr. Bones,
’Ammâ ba‘da, "but seriously,"
Feelings are being projected onto Romney, angry feelings. And these feelings are heightened by the fact that the ideological differences between the three leading candidates are relatively minor. The importance of personality has been increased out of all proportion. In this regard, Romney is disliked, even despised by some, because he is “an elite.” But in reality all the candidates are elites (_sic_). No real outsiders are running for president this time and never have been — with the lone exception of Herman Cain. Indeed, every person whose name is bandied about as a possible candidate in a brokered convention is also an elite. Elites (generals, governors, senators, an occasional congressman) are, finally, those who almost always obtain high office in our society. Is this a good thing? Arguments can be made on both sides, but something has to be said in favor of experience when it comes to managing a country as big and powerful as the United States of America at a time of tremendous international instability and economic crisis. Is Mitt Romney the man to do this? Again, arguments can be made on both sides. But enough of the Romney Derangement Syndrome. Hating Mitt Romney is not only useless. It’s self-destructive. |
The Squire of Simon Pajama might want to adopt Comrade Brecht’s famous advice to the Neoprussian régime in 1953: simply dissolve his freelordship’s current e-peasantry an’ [col]lect another. There exists rather a large pool of wombscholars an’ freedumbnuts available just at present, quite a nmber of whom could correctly distinguish ‘Mittens’ Romney from the late Lefty Bronshteyn. After somebooby had told the kiddies a little about the latter [1], that is.
Simon Pajama bein’ a secret-sector e-demesne, we who stand outside the money house can only guess what the exact terms an’ conditions may be. Still, Comrade Holmes might have stationed Dr. Baker outside the gates of a literal equivalent, on some demonstrably taxpayer-funded thoroughfare in case Himself should call in the _Polizei_, and have him note down who goes in to the Big Lord, and what comes out that is not actually tarpaulin-draped. Playing my own analogical Tonto, then, allow me to report that Simon Pajama does not appear to have any *publicly* visible means of support. That is to say, the ’dumbnuts are not charged admission, nor are they forced to avert their chaste an’ kolourblind eyes from gaudy billboards or other advertisin’ matter. The Big Lord does not even sell Tee shirts (&c.) to the Tee Putty, which is a pretty amazin’ form of remissness in a supposed buddy of the AEIdeology.[2] [3]
You will have guessed I am leading up to wondering ¿who pays? for all those whight pajamas. Though of immense kulchural potential, one must doubt that his freelordship’s incomparable YaleoDra™a actually rakes in many _sh’qálîm_.
So, then, the obvious guess is that Simon Pajama is fiscally upheld by the kindness of Venerable Funders, like so many other whightist institutions, from the Catoholics of the Koch Siblin’s [3] down to the nethermost bottom of the barrel, a couple of cuts below PJM.
[1] ’Scholars & ’dumbnuts with a taste for old-fashioned--so-called ‘Victorian’--self-improvement may want to start their Trotsky Studies somewhere else rather than with the first prose sample from Big LEW, "the Learnèd Elders of Wiki," Paddy ever spotted that begins with a double-barrel warning that it "may need abbreviation" and "may contain ... excessively long citations or extracts." (( This is mad: surely Slavic souls do much better to while away their short whight nights with an encyclopædia rather than take to adult beverages. ))
[2] It saddens one o find that even generally decent political adults huckster silly bric-à-brac nowadays.
[3] If one bakers around persistently, Dr. Bones, eventually one will uncover his freelordship’s "About Us" page,, which transparently explains the financin’ of it all as follows: "What began as an online blog site in 2005 has grown into the must-read website you are visiting today."
"¿What," he exclaimed, "Could possibly be transparenter than that?"
[4] The Catoholic beggin’ bowl is placed front an’ center. The very first thing on the webpage (for readers of a non-Seemighty language) after the institutional I.D. is "SUPPORT CATO." Like Love, the Koch Siblin’s are evidently not quite enough.
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