01 March 2012

"Mittens Beats Yale, 29-29"

Dear Dr. Bones,

As you know, sir, Party Neocomrade Dr. R. H. Limbaugh fairly frequently succumbs to barkin' fits against ‘slackers’.

It is fun, though improbable, to suppose that this


good piece. mitt romney has my voice and my vote to be our next commander in chief. i'm not thrilled about the LBO part of big bidness but, romney who has and comes from a good family knows his way around a balance sheet and can tell adebit from a credit which is sorely needed if we as a people and nation are to get back on our feet. look, i'm not expecting a miracle from our next president. there can't be with 10s of millions of people unemployed,underemployed and judging by whats coming out of the athens of americas public school system, totally unemployable. i want a person who will lead this country, not a party or special interests and that person is not the totally divisive fraud currently sitting or squatting in the oval office.that also holds true for his good buddy currently residing in our governors chair who has hos own presidential perspirations. romney can lead. he showed it here big time in removing matt amowhatever after the tunnel tragedy. he showed it in telling billy bulger he wasn't fit to lead our own STATE U and both he and then lt. governor healy showed it in spades when they told the corrupt and coopted state legislatue to stick it when they tried like hades to gut the long overdue bill which thanks to romney and healey became MELANIES LAW. like is wroe at the top-good piece and much needed ma.

Posted 5 hours ago ((03/01/2012 07:29)) Reply Link Abusive

is the sort of thing that so displeases an' aggrieves Himself.

Perry Mason or Mr. Dershowitz of H*rv*rd could always maintain, I guess, that not upper-casin' even the pronoun of the First Person Singular is the outward sign of a profound and gracious inward humility, but . . .

But seriously, . . . .

Notice what our little whight-winged laddy *does* capitalize. ¿Did you and the Muses have to pause at that blessèd and mysterious ‘LBO’, by the way? In the language of mortals that would be "leveraged buy-out," strictly speaking, though with Slacker I betcha it does not signify anythin' more precise or technical than

Baincappin' in progress
(( 0. Baincapping in progress ))

appears in Figure Zero above.[2]

Though he wanders around an' thrashes a little in his slovenliness, yet, if one attend to the matter and overlook the slovvin’, Slacker would make a better twistorialist for 'Mittens' Romney than the J-School fruits an' frathouse babes whose job it is. The latter look at a Solomonically split decision--fifteen convention delegates for empty-suit reaction, fifteen convention delegates for tinfoil-hat whightism--an' somehow detect "a narrow but critical victory in Michigan."

So, then, ’twas a 15-15 win for their guy in yet another unhomely environment. But ¿what am I saying, "their guy"? His Vacuity is in fact only "the guy whom the friendly funders an' fiundin' friendlies of their Employin’ Corporation-- the "_Herald_ Angels," if you absolutely must--prefer.

The JSF-FHB [1] contingent may really be innocent victims of bad schoolin’ as Slacker suggests

Happy days.


[1] "Journalism-school fruit-and/or-fraternity-house-babe" calls out desperately for abbrevation, ¿don’t you think? Or think of it as Paddy doubling down on Slacker's precious LBO.

[2] Were Slacker were a couple of orders of magnitude more bestembright than Father Zeus prefers him, the apparent slovvin’ could all be a spoof starrin’ LBO. Designed, obviously, to inculcate the salutary moral that ¡Only CAPITALISM merits capitalization!

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