08 May 2011

The Jewelled Toad Watch

The key now is for the White House and the regulatory agencies to ignore the threats from Congress and elsewhere, and move ahead with their efforts. After all, the sentiments of the 92 percent of the public that favors transparency, and the eight justices on the Supreme Court that have endorsed it, should outweigh the objections of the reborn anti-disclosure cabal.

The obvious way to pick up that _shtyk_ is to express pleasure at the prospect of freedom of thought maybe breakin’ out over at the American Ideological Enterprise, praising the heterodoxy of this out-of-lockstep scribble.

There is, however, a flip side as well. I ask you, ¿Is not Party Neocomrade N. J. Ornstein to be commended for fidelity an’ loyalty above an’ beyond the call? I mean, ¡Just look at what is really goin’ on here: ¡The neocomrade still sides with the Executive against all comers, just as he must have done back in good POTUS Cheney’s golden days!!

The weaker siblin’s of Hooverville an’ Rio Limbaugh have simply switched horses: now that one can say ‘Congress’ and mean The Smirk of Janesville instead of the fiend Pelosi, most kiddie selfservatives an’ Party Paymasters are gung-ho for legislative superiority. There can never be enough "threats from Congress and elsewhere" until the happy day when BHO is terrorized straight back to whatever Kenya he came out of..

Whereupon the dittobrains will flip their flop again, naturally. [*]

Neocomrade N. J. Ornstein is better than that. Præternaturally better, almost. Possibly better even than Richard Bruce, Freelord of Cheney, himself, though I have not been following his freelordship’s posthumous career closely enough to tell.

So, then, ¡let us have a bipartisan round of applause for Above-the-Norm Ornstein!

Happy days.

[*] Neocomrade Dr. R. H. Limbaugh likes to bark ’bout havin’ "half my brain tied behind my back, just to make it fair." As the sting in the tail makes clear, Himself modestly supposes this interestin’ neocondition to be His alone. In fact, though, most of Himself’s patients or victims could say the same, addin’ that they regularly switch halves between dittopan an’ dorsum on the basis of electoral returns.

Good ol’ Abovethenorm, by contrast, is not too proud to keep all his smarts in the same place, even though that plan might conceivably lead to some suspicion that there may not be enough smarts to spread around much.

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