Dear Dr. Bones,
Please find enclosed today’s neospecimen, straight from the Monkey House -- or, as the case may be, the Zombie Jamboree -- untouched by human thought:
Freelord Zombiemaster C. K. McLeod ponders neolife and neopartisanship from the lofty, airy, and far-flung battlements of Castle Podhóretz:
He [Neocomrade Dr. R. H. Limbaugh] is leaving the distinct impression, not just coming close to saying but pretty much saying, that the Obama Administration and its supporters do not love the United States of America, and are seeking to destroy it. The clear implication is that the liberal left are engaging in treason. They’re not fellow Americans any longer, but enemy invaders. This isn’t some cherry-picked, decontextualized offhand remark from 15 hours/week of entertaining and engaging live radio. It’s the conclusion of a written op-ed [in the Wall Street Jingo]. And in a few sentences it defeats Limbaugh’s entire purpose, of putting himself and people like him on a higher, more positive, more grown-up and also more truly American, dissent- and debate-friendly plane than those on the other side." |
When suddenly a yokel voice from far below:
April 23rd, 2010 at 10:03 am (2) David wrote: You don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh on a regular basis, do you? If you did, you wouldn’t be so shocked by his statement regarding the Administration’s contempt for this country. The administration believes a culture of a free people minding and doing their own business is corrupt and that capitalism is unjust. Limbaugh says this at least once during his show, every day. And, he’s right. |
Had Freelord Zombiemaster MacLeod paid a little attention to the run-of-the-mill performances of Neocomrade Dr. R. H. Limbaugh, it would not have taken his freelordship long to figure out that Dr. Limbaugh cherishes reservations about the C. P. crowd as well as vice versa. His freelordship is clever enough to work out, once cognizant of the data points, that most of the verbal stinkfruits that RHL presents to a certain straw R.I.N.O. labelled "David Brooks" are meant for his freelordship & company as well.
And the moral of that, I suppose, is "Why did Neocomrade K. R. Murdoch, Kaiser of Cloudcuckooland, want to publish Dr. Limbaugh in the chaste, though possibly just a tad rabid, op-ed columns of The Wall Street Jingo in the first place?" [0]
That is to say, what we have here, Dr. Bones, is some excellent fodder for our "Anatomy of the Elephant" dossier. Not just because it is always a pleasure to look on when the neorighteous overmuch fall out with one another, but strictly on the intrinsic merits of such material for possible future reference.
The other sentences of Neocomrade ‘David’ may be passed over, unless you want to take a cheap shot about how in fact the Witch Doctor of Democracy would never, nowadays, bark "The administration believes ... that capitalism is unjust." Of course what HIMSELF would bark, and frequently does, is " The ®EGIME believes..." &c. Possibly, then, Neocomrade ‘David’ approves of Dr. Limbaugh more than he listens to Him?
Considered in that light, that shot may not be bargain-basement cheap, after all. Of Neocomrade ‘David’ I know only that he read the Freelord Zombiemaster’s here effusion of words and answered it as he answered. That is not much evidence, but on the other hand, it is a very strong indication of its kind, for his freelordship mentioned capitalism only in rehashin’ Dr. Limbaugh, without showin’ any special interest of his own therein. And we have read enough of his freelordship and his freelordship’s immediate entourage to have arrived at a secure judgment that up at Castle Podhóretz, the neogentry faithfully reproduce their correspondin’ palæodittos’ notion that there is somethin’ vaguely shabby and ungenteel and ‘vulgar’ (whatever that may mean) about Trade.
Far be that from Neocomrade ‘David’, who likes Trade so much that he drags it in pretty much uninvited! Any fan of the Huntin’tonian ©lashism ideoproduct should want to have this exchange stuffed and put on display in her permanent collection:
Q. Don’t you think it was rather bad form for Dr. Limbaugh to attempt to corner the market on love of country? A. Anythin’ done in the path of Absolutely Free Enterprise is well done! Anythin’ at all!! Whatever it takes!!! |
If not worlds in collision, or even the clashant sieves of Uncle Sam Jr., surely there is at least a little something in the way of neocomradely dissonance here?
I am not sure, Dr. Bones, whether our own provisional anatomy of the elephant from twelve or fifteen years ago needs to be revised and update. The obvious stimulus to do so is, of course, the Rise of AstroTurf™Baggery, a development which pertains to Neocomrade Dr. H. R. Limbaugh, but scarcely (as far as I can make out off-hand) to either Freelord Zombiemaster MacLeod or to Neocomrade ‘David’.[1]
C. P. brand-name neoterics like his freelordship are not exactly what they used to be; the Big Bang of 1422/2001/5761 increased their importance -- and we promoted them from Party-of-Grant factionette to full-fledged subfaction accordingly -- but did it change their spots? Further research is advisable.
Then came the Crawford Crash of 1429/2008/5767, which has distinctly changed the content of the neogentry’s agitprop emissions. But, again, the difference may well be circumstantial and tactical rather than neo-essential or neo-existential. His freelordship must run into a lot of lesser breeds without of Neocomrade ‘David’ 's general type, Matthew Arnold Philistines, that is, who lack proper appreciation of "the unbought grace of neolife." [2]
My best guess, then, Dr. Bones, tentative and revisable, is that the Common Terror magazine crew have not moved an ideological centimetre, which entails that they must be secretly wishin’ in their minds that Hurricane Greenspan - Paulson - Bernanke - Geithner - Summers will blow itself out as soon as possible, permittin’ weeklystandardizers and commonterrorizers to get back to invasionism as usual.
But Father Zeus knows best.
Healthy days.
[0] Don’t think I regard this as less than a genuine and important question because I shall not be answering it here and now. Like (former?) Neocomrade D. J. Frum , I take the Kommunikationsmittelskaisertum of Massa Rupert very seriously indeed.
[1] "Didn’t their nurses and tutors advise them that it is not nice to talk about money all the time?"
Neocomrade ‘David’ might do for a textbook example of the "Political Capitalism" or "Petty Management" subfaction that we detected at Wingnut City years ago. But still, there is only the one data point, and no need to rush to judgment. Stick it in the dossier, sir, and time will maybe tell.
[2] The card-carryin’ Little Friends of Eddie Burke, LLC, may serve to illustrate what a factionette, as opposed to a subfaction, of America’s Otherparty looks like. Like a sort of vermiform appendix that hardly anybody would notice if it just quietly evaporated.
The Baní Podhóretz are well beyond that, but there is no need to fall off the other side of the horse either by going on about "neo-con cabals." Via media tutissima.
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