10 May 2009

"Back to indentured servitude"

GOP Neocomrade [1] N. C. Geale ought to be stuffed and mounted for the permanent viewing pleasure of us fiends and democrats and Democrats!

Not in dishonor of his politics and policies, which are only about what one would expect when the Party of Big Management is so badly split on the xenophobia question, but in dishonor of the peculiar form of moralistic wall-paper that he uses to paste over the crack in his Party.

The neocomrade’s former official position under George XLIII is ambiguous in certain respects:

(1) How exalted, exactly, was a ‘senior’ shyster to a ‘deputy’ hack pol in perhaps the single agency of Neocomrade Viceroy R. B. Cheney’s Unitary Executive Branch™ that Hoovervillains care for least?

(2) High or low, might not a Neocomrade N. C. Geale, Esq., have been placed in that position to serve as part of Mr. Frank's Wrecking Crew rather than to departmentalize disapassionately in the interest of "union thugs"?

(3) Would the matter scribbled about here have been in Neocomrade N. C. Geale’s boss's purview at all, and not rather in that of the Department of Agriculture?

(( Agriculture, like advocacy in court, is vastly more respectable in the eyes of (instructed) wingnutettes and wingnuts than ‘Labour’ can ever hope to be. That race is not even close, Mr. Bones! Here are Cato the Elder and Marcus Tædius Cicero standing to your right, sir, with FDR and Mr. Harold Laski seated in the other pan of the scales -- "I report, thee decide" what happens to the beam of the balance! Massa Murdoch won't let me report out loud, Bones, but I betcha can guess what I’d say if were a free man! ))

I daresay that solemn examination of credentials is a bit more than one isolated Christokorean op-ed piece merits. Furthermore, as I began by noting, Neocomrade N. C. Geale, Esq., proposes to play The Morality Card™, a procedure for which no widely agreed-upon credentialization process has ever been established.

Anyhow, watch how he plays, Mr. Bones:

"Aside from the affront to our values, such conditions can drive down wages and impair working conditions for American citizens - to say nothing of the unpaid taxes from the illegal employment. (...) cynical and arguably anti-American (...) many [neo-wetbacks] probably have a limited education, speak little English and may not even be immunized against communicable diseases. AgJobs also makes these workers less well-off financially by arbitrarily slashing their wages across the board. (...) Not content, however, to simply make these people generally dependent (...) the nature of America's moral promise to temporary workers is altered by a cynical plan to legally indenture them - all with virtually no public debate."

I do not pretend, Mr. Bones, that there is anything new about the modus operandi of Neocomrade Counselordeputy N. C. Geale. Hath not their Neocomrade Prof. Dr. Ch. A. Murray been goin’ on in that "generally dependent" vein for years and decades? Perhaps this chela, bein’ an Esq., adds a bit more of a Rulalaw tinge than his guru would have done, but that sort of recipe variation is only icin’, not cake. N. C. Geale, Esq., is patently a Murrayite, and accordingly the fine print on his Morality Card™ that most people skip over without reading informs the customer that nothin’ is less charitable than to do favors for people who actually need favors done them. (Comfortin’ the already comfortable is unobjectionable -- et quicumque non habet etiam quod putat se habere auferetur ab illo, doncha know? -- but that is another story for another Sabbath morning.)

In addition to the faint legalistic tinge, the chela adds a certain amount of plain confusion that his Master would presumably have avoided. That is to say, he introduces, or waves his hands as if about to introduce, other moral cards inconsistent with strict Murrayanity. He even wobbles in his Faith to the point of appealin’ to old-fashioned charity itself, pointin’ out that the neo-wetbacks are in fact needy of worldly favors as well as of metaphysical instruction in The Gospel Accordin’ to Chas.

Note particularly "makes these workers less well-off financially," language which inevitably suggests that the neocomrade has their financial well-bein’ at heart. Of course that suggestion is absurd in light of the over-all thrust of the scribble.

One can only infer that Neocomrade N. C. Geale, Esq., has not quite altogether thought his Party-card-based [1] moralism through. Even at whatever seminary for ambulance chasers he attended [2], he might have been advised that firin’ off ALL his available ammo at the enemy immediately to his front might be unwise if there are internal inconsistencies in it that the hostile fiends targeted, or others like them, might conceivably avail themselves of. In isolation, it might do to pronounce democrats and Democrats and liberals bad people because they do not sufficiently sympathize with the plight of neo-wetbacks. In the present context, though, this ploy is only laughable. [3]

In fact, if thee will examine closely, the Gealean wallpaper is nearly as divided against itself as the Big Management Party wall on which he proposes to paste it. The neocomrade seems fond of ‘cynical’, so perhaps we may speculate for once, in violation of our general policy, that N. C. Geale, Esq., has cold-bloodedly picked up this catchword and that, assemblin’ a wide variety of mutually inconsistent membra disjecta wingnutiana, each of which will appeal to some (but not all) GOP geniuses and to some (but not all) Big Party base-’n’-vile -- whilst ‘cynically’ (?) not givin’ a hoot what clashes and contradictions result.

By my lights, at least, he does not even confine himself to moralistical scrapss and patches, at least not in the case of "may not even be immunized against communicable diseases." So direct an appeal as that to the self-cowardice of his neocomrades seems like something that thee and I, Mr. Bones, might have made up to spoof ’em with. (It would also help if the scribble had been printed several days ago, before the Gadarene swine had stopped bein’ terrorized of H1N1.)

But God knows best about Party Neocomrade N. C. Geale, Esq.

Happy days.

[1] Evidence of Big Party neocomradedom available here.

[2] "Georgetown (1999)," says URL cit., which ought to know.

[3] Well, yes, Mr. Bones, we could guess that this Big Party neocomrade accounts us bad people primarily because we disbelieve in his Murrayanity. But that would be even more laughable, no?

In any case, one would have to waterboard his text to get your proposed meaning out of it, sir.

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