24 August 2012

Master of Seamus Does the Dishes

Romney is capable of showing kindness to certain animals in certain situations. Such as the time he tried to rescue a ferret from a dishwasher. From Michael Grunwald's new book, The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era:

[Former Utah senator Bob] Bennett says his friend Mitt Romney commiserated with him about the ingratitude of the Tea Party, telling a presumably apocryphal story about getting bitten by a ferret he had tried to rescue from a dishwasher. "Mitt said the Tea Party people are like that ferret in the dishwasher," Bennett says. "They're so frightened and angry, they'll even bite Bob Bennett, who's trying to get the country out of this mess."
Despite the suggestion that the story was apocryphal, we consider it plausible that the incident actually happened to Romney.

Happy days.

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