29 July 2012

Who ARE These People?

(( "Chick Checks Out the Chikin" ))

"Superman comes to the Supermarket" [*] it ain’t quite:

Sarah Palin waded into the controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A and gay marriage by tweeting a picture of herself and her husband Todd visiting one of the the fast-food chain stores Friday after a Texas campaign stop.

“Stopped by Chick-fil-A in The Woodlands to support a great business,” the former Alaskan governor and vice -presidential candidate tweeted following an appearance at a rally for Republican Senate primary challenger Ted Cruz outside Houston.

At the Cruz rally, Palin said: “Jason, you’re going to have to take me on our way back to the airport later. We drive by a Chick Fil-A. We don’t have that in Alaska,” she said, referring to an aide. “Love me some Chick Fil-A. (sic) So we’ll go there, Jason, on the way, OK?”

Palin urged Cruz’s supporters to visit Chick-fil-A, which has been mired in controversy since its president said the chain supports “the [B]iblical definition of the family unit.” Palin told Fox News this week that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s comments on the chain amounted to “thuggery.”

Happy days.

 [*] "Thank you, Comrade Mailer."

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