10 June 2012

30,000 Leagues Under Big ‘N’

Dear Dr. Bones, Ordinarily Paddy and Eye stay away from all poptripe, not just the MacL@@han Tuba. Out of sight and earshot, if humanly possible.

But this one, brief, shining neosabbath morning, however, something must be said about turning to this specimen

I Just Heard the N-Word 30,000 Times
Posted By Zombie On June 4, 2012 @ 3:20 pm In Music,Sex,Uncategorized | 38 Comments

At a recent family reunion I fell ... and within the next 60 seconds “nigger” was repeated at least ten more times, along with a variety of other degrading and offensive terms.

(( &c. &c. It drags out its slow length relentlessly, yet bottomlines at last with ))

I can only sit here patiently and wait for the taboo-busting thrill of hearing “nigger” and “pussy” in every stanza to eventually wear off, and we can once again enjoy the subtleties of metaphor, pun and double-entendre.

directly from the learnèd and gallant Stephens-Davidowitz of H*rv*rd and, for the moment, of the New York Times Company:

[M]any Americans use Google to find racially charged material. I performed the somewhat unpleasant task of ranking states and media markets in the United States based on the proportion of their Google searches that included the word “nigger(s).” This word was included in roughly the same number of Google searches as terms like “Lakers,” “Daily Show,” “migraine” and “economist.” ((ahem)) A huge proportion of the searches I looked at were for jokes about African-Americans. (I did not include searches that included the word “nigga” because these searches were mostly for rap lyrics.) ... The state with the highest racially charged search rate in the country was ....
After that--thirty seconds after that--one may be excused for thinking dark conspiratorial thoughts when one finds beautiful downtown Pajama Junction NJ festooned with gaudy banners proclaimin’ "I Just Heard the N-word 30,000 Times."

Having worked out that this must be only coincidence, we pondered the grave question: ¿What makes a whightist commentator on "Media, Sex, Unclassified" so interested in dark matters of which her freeladyship cannot properly spell the vocabulary?

We await your thoughts.

Happy days.

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