22 January 2012

Introducin' DVNN, the "destructive, vicious negative nature" wonderproduct

The best defense / By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Saturday, January 21, 2012

When nothing else works, run against the media. Hey, it’s working for Newt Gingrich.

“I think the destructive, vicious negative nature of much of the news media makes it hard to govern this country, hard to attract decent people to run for public office, and I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate with a topic like that,” Gingrich railed at CNN debate moderator John King Thursday night. (( &c. &c. ))


Newt comes off as a somewhat intelligent, but very angry old man. If he isn't bolstering his ego, or talking about Reagan, he really hasn't much to say.

He knew the question was coming so he prepared a typical self-righteous defense, attack the messenger/questioner. It was a fair question for the debate platform. Gingrich's dismissive tone was just more drivel from his defensive zone.

The independents in this country will never elect Newt or Santorum. Actually, Santorum is more suitable for a senior church deacon position. I am all for strong faith, just don't push yours on me.

Posted 1 day ago Reply Link Abusive

aschark replying to Opinenotwhine

It seems that you're favoring Mitt in this primary. Of course that's OK, but, as you assume, Newt's debate coaches (I'm sure he has them, but I could be wrong), prepared him to answer questions about his 2nd wife's remarks in a Presidential debate. Maybe you're right, but he was prepared for it. Mitt, on the other hand, stuttered when it came to Bain, and his tax returns. It looked like he wasn't prepared, and if he gets into it with Obama, who, I'm sure, will not toss softballs to Mitt. Don't forget, Obama became Senator, unopposed - his opponents were disqualified, or resigned from the election. I've read posts on other articles where they said that they would rather vote for Obama than Newt. That, translated, means that they want a large government, higher debt for the kids, and, when the smoke and mirrors fade, a government run Country, contrary to our Constitution. Another translation, rob Peter (taxpayers) to pay Paul (entitlements). Like Margaret Thatcher said " Socialism is good until you run out of other people's money."
Posted 21 hours ago (( 22-01-12 05:26AM )) Reply Link Abusive

It only 'seems' that the fruits of the J-school an' frathouse babes are in the tank for Mittens? Golly!

Does this second peanut have mental reservations about astronomy as well, I wonder, an' never venture anythin' rasher than "The sun appears to rise in the east, most days"?

Yet I suppose doubt *IS* possible. We know the views of the editorial bratpack's Venerable Funders, who alone enjoy True Freedumb of the Press (their freelordships own one, you see).

We do not know for sure what any individual employee, fruit or babe, of their Employin' Corporation thinks about the Ascent of Don Neutrino. Standing outside the monkey house and proceeding from general principles, I would guess that some of them don't mind it at all.

Maybe we will be able to tell better from listening to the Three Weird Sisters on Monday: Felon Finneran, or Freelord Katz of Katzenyammer, even Duchess Jason of Sanseverino-Taxis Herfreeself, might conceivably reveal, by tone of voice or choice of epithet, that (s)he does not see altogether newt to newt with the Employin' Corporation Combine of Greater Worcester County.

Did any "compassionate selfservatives" survive from Good King Dubya's golden days, they might now be sheddin' a tear or two for the plight of the Romneyphobe babe or fruit stuck scabbin' for the _Herald_ of Louisedayhicksville. She (Freedame Neocompass) might -- but at this point my imagination is getting frisky -- even quote the anonymous bratpack's openin' patter an;' wonder if the patterers secretly think that Don Neutrino's detection of "the destructive, vicious negative nature of much of the news media" might apply to their own dear Employin' Corporation.

I am not sure whether one must be well outside the monkey house to reflect on the Marx brand on of scabbin' for an E.C. that has an insatiable appetite for panegyrics of True Freedumb, but would (as I conjecture from afar) take about fifteen seconds to give any fruit or babe who went about badmouthin' St. Mittens an' cryin' up Don Neutrino, or maybe Dr. Paul from Planet Dilbert, a thorough course of Real Romneycare -- the "I like being able to fire people" product.

Happy days.

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