04 June 2011

"At the cuttin' edge of societal" humbug

Dear Dr. Bones,

The TEA party GOP got elected by promising jobs, jobs, jobs.

Even a more constant an’ loyal weeder of _The Boston Humbug_ than I might find that news a little surprisin’. Yet there it is, way up at the top of the list of cracks from the peanut gallery when sorted on "Highest Rated."

(A) ¿Shouldn’t the first four words be accounted oxymoron? My own impression is that those wunnerful folks who fund Tee Putty America would prefer everybody to think of their patients as bold, independent-minded lemmin’s with no particular Party affiliation. ¿Have the AstroTurf™baggin’ Classes really given up all pretendin’?

(B) Furthermore, anybooby with half a brainpan to hold her dittoes in ought to have foreseen that the real promise of a Von Böhner/Von Kantor Ascendancy was never "job, jobs, jobs" but more like "gridlock, Gridlock, GRIDLOCK." One campaign promise richly kept -- or wouldabeen, had the _hochwohlgeborene Freiherren_ of Party an’ AEIdeology but promised this happy paralysis to the selfservative kiddies out loud.

Once Willard Mitt, second Freelord Romney in the peerage of Foxcuckooland, has been ‘immaculated’ [*] as POTUS of us all, things will be very different. In late January 2013, the dams will suddenly burst, an’ "jobs, jobs, jobs" will trickle down like

... lemme see ...

well, like molassess in January.

But not till then. ¡Be patient, O disemployed kiddies! Rome was not wrecked in a day.

Happy days.

[*] Our thanks hereby to Party Neocomrade Dr. R. H. Limbaugh for inventin’ the alone _mot juste_. (( Dear Rush, The royalty check is in the mail. As ever, JHM. ))

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