24 February 2010

TPM on Kramer on Heinsohn on Gaza and Goodness

Look on the bright side: ... another great example of Zionist morality.

I don't suppose the jesting pilot seriously means to fly that flight, but in fact he could do worse.

Neocomrade[ss] AJM cannot stand very high in the councils of Team Jabotinsky, but [s]he is far from isolated in her willin'ness to give others free instruction for nothin' about what the word ‘moral’ means. Free, gratis and for nothin' -- unsolicited, too.

But alas, charity is waxen cold here in the former Christojudæandom, none helpeth the scholar nor yet the poor -- or anyway, not many help. Nowadays even gift horses are supposed to be inspected by veterinary personnel at international border crossings.

To be sure, we are only e-café lizards, not credentialised Invigilators of Morality; our powers are limited. We have no business demanding that Neocomradess AJM unpack her moral baggage on the runway, and less than no business demanding that she unpack Neocomrade Dr. M. S. Kramer's moral baggage. But we can do a little amateur sleuthing from the outside.

For one thing, we poor scholars and/or nosy Parkers can see a glance that the baggage of AJM is one thing, and the baggage of MSK another. SHE says "There is no moral obligation on anyone to fund an abnormally high rate of population increase," but I believe, Dr. Bones, if you will go back through the URL's put in evidence, you will not find that HE says that. Perhaps Neocomrade M. S. Kramer could be induced to admit it if we could get get him in a back room for a little neotherapy with waterboard or Yoo Tube(®), but that sort of official inquiry must remain off-limits for the likes of us. [1]

The H*rv*rd affiliate does not appear to mention morality, and that is as one would expect, I suppose, of that affiliation. "Just the facts, ma'am!" barked the Man From MESH .[2]

Speaking of ‘facts’, I just noticed that our Meshshie admits to havin' got one of them pesky critters slightly wrong:

There is also one error in my popularized recycling of his thesis. Heinsohn’s [3] rule of thumb is that when 30 percent or more of the total male population is between 15-29 (fighting age), violence ensues. In my talk, I added that I would put it higher, at 40 percent. But that 40 percent should be of the total adult male population (15-64). I doubt that in any of the countries of the region, the 15-29 range accounts for 40 percent of total male population. Heinsohn is right.

It looks as if it would be a delight to digress over to Planet Heinsohn for some light relief, Dr. Bones. It would confirm our darkest and most unworthy suspicions of Social Scientism to catch one of the practitioners saying expressly that percentages can start wars. Why, even Ibn Khaldún and Mr. Talcott Parsons, in all their glory, never quite went that far!

But we had better just make a memorandumb of Herr von Heinsohn and stick with Neocomrade Dr. M. S. Kramer for the moment. What use Marty the Less [4] makes of his chosen guru is not off topic, however, so ... lemme see ...

Gaza’s population will double by 2030, to three million. Israel’s present sanctions on Gaza have a political aim—undermine the Hamas regime—but if they also break Gaza’s runaway population growth—and there is some evidence that they have—that might begin to crack the culture of martyrdom which demands a constant supply of superfluous young men. That is rising to the real challenge of radical indoctrination, and treating it at its root.

That seems to be the heart of Kramerite neodarkness, but the wordin’ is a bit odd. Marty seems (to me, anyway) to expect that Team Jabotinsky is eventually goin’ to stumble their way to perpetual Success and Victory without ever fully appreciatin' the policy beauties of Heinsohnismus. He does not, technically speaking, even recommend that the pols and violence pros of the Tel Avîv government should wise up and start heinsohnisin’ and heinsohnatin' on purpose. Somebody should ask him, it seems to me, for a fuller exposition of the correlation of farces. In particular, does Neocomrade Dr. M. S. Kramer think that his crew can win in the end even if they never do give up relyin' on some flair or subliminal instinct or dumb luck or whatever it has been so far, and conciously adopt some H*rv*rd-worthy scheme of Middle East Strategy instead.

As long as the High Command of Hyperzion keeps on stumblin' instead of strategisin', I am not sure that they and their Dr. Kramer have any moral baggage to examine at all. One could speak of ‘negligence’, perhaps, but even that is rather a legal category than an ethical one.

But the same observation does not apply to Neocomradess AMS, who was tryin’ to give us dhimmís free moral guidance. How she talks to her superiors inside the Movement we have simply no way of telling. Like Master Marty vis-à-vis "[t] he usual suspects, Philip Weiss and M.J. Rosenberg," we are in the dock and she is Mme. Prosecutor. My whole figure of rhetoric will seem impertinent and ridiculous to Neocomradess AMS, for it is she who is to do the examination of our moral baggage. Quelle idée that the situation should ever be misconceived au contraire!

How much of that stance she shares with Neocomrade Dr. M. S. Kramer is not perfectly clear, though I suspect the overlap is not very great. Little Marty does not expressly denounce ‘us’ in so many words any more than he explicitly advises the T. A. statespersons and generals. [5] It would be slightly inconsistent if he did, for if Team Jabotinsky is only heinsohnisin’ subconsciously, it seems very likely a priori that the Parliament of Man and its UNRWA will have been ‘antiheinsohnizing' subconsciously as well. [6] But Father Zeus knows best.

Healthy days

[1] This is not altogether a misfortune: rumor has it, rather plausibly, that waterboardin' corrupts, and YooTubin' corrupts yooni... well, but ’tis not a very nice subject. Better I should say no more.

[2] MESH appears to be in remission at the moment: cf. http://tinyurl.com/3vdwn2 .

[3] I trust the good folks over at DossierWatch™ are keeping "dragon watch with unenchanted eye" on Neukamerad Herr Prof. Dr. G[unnar von] Heinsohn. Myself, I cannot tell 100% for sure whether or not Neocomrade M. S. Kramer appeals to the the authority of the same dignitary of whom I find the learnèd wikipædiatricians treating in the German language.

One definitely did not expect Master Marty to be found sittin' at the feet of a neorabbi who has a whole section of his e-blurb headed Antisemitism , even if only in an inferior (Greater Texan language) version of the article.

Seit 1993 ist er Sprecher des von ihm gegründeten und so benannten Instituts für vergleichende Völkermordforschung (Raphael-Lemkin-Institut für Xenophobie- und Genozidforschung).
does seem to nail it down, though: there could hardly be two independent instances of THAT whoppin’ monnicker, after all!

[4] Neocomrade M. H. Peretz, proprietor of The New Republican and [co-]donor of a Yid. Lit. chair to H*rv*rd must take precedence, obviously.

[5] Dr. Kramer can do the "Just the facts, ma'am!" shtyk well when he puts his mind to it. At some point after I started the present scribble, he appended a detailed account of his relationship to H*rv*rd that nobody could improve on:

Overnight addendum: I’m amused by my sudden overnight promotion to Harvard preeminence (by bloggers—why not?), but I have to disappoint. I’m not a “Harvard prof” (Rosenberg) or a “distinguished Harvard professor” (Richard Silverstein). My own homepage records that I’m presently a visiting scholar at Harvard’s Weatherhead Center (in the National Security Studies Program). The purpose of visitorships is to facilitate joint research between Weatherhead faculty and non-Harvard colleagues; a visiting scholar must hold a regular academic appointment somewhere else. I enjoy my Harvard research and library privileges. But I’ve never taught at Harvard, I’m not there now, and I don’t use the Harvard affiliation as an identifier on this Sandbox blog. For that, I rely solely on my permanent affiliations. So my rapid promotion at Harvard is really just a stunt by demagogues to attract attention, and the wild exaggeration is of a piece with all they produce. (Still, it was flattering…)

His account of other folks’ supposed stunting is not so good, of course.

You should bear in mind, Dr. Bones, that on his DossierWatch side, so to call it, Marty the Less is committed to H*rv*rd (proper) bein’ a nest of appeasement-minded dhimmís and self-hating Hebrew Christojudæans, plus the occasional genuine specimen of icky THEM. (In fact, H*rv*rd is remarkably short on that last ingredient: nobody in Zipcode 02138 has half the stature of a fiend like Prof. Rashíd Khálidí at Columbia.)

Hence if he were to deliberately twistify, MSK would try to make out that the Weatherhead Center is no closer to True Veritas than http://harvardrotcalumnifund.org/ is. Mr. Rosenberg should probably content himself with bashing Neocomrade Prof. Dr. A. M. Dershowitz of H*rv*rd Law School when overtaken by a sudden fit of crimsonophobia. Or Mr. Peretz, naturally, who really did used to be a bicycle-challenged perfesser once upon a time.

[6] What with that antisemitism wikibusiness, Dr. Bones, I am at a loss to decide which way the verb "to (anti)heinsohnize" ought be construed, whether it should mean to aid and abet the breeding of faith-crazed fiends or to attempt to control and repress. The Neukamerad Herr Prof. Dok. undoubtedly thinks of himself as one of Jewish Statism's very best friends, if the English account of him can be believed, but at the same time his private system of neomythology seems to deal almost exclusively with psychoanalysin’ Chancellor Hitler retrospectively and in absentiâ. The end product is not just political spinach, but dotty political spinach. If you ask me, that is, of course, which I realize you did not.

What mainstream Holocaust careerists make of Dr. Heinsohn would be worth investigating. Some of them, certainly, have expressed the view in other connections that to blame it all on one man lets zillions of others off way too lightly.

In any case, Neocomrade Dr. M. S. Kramer is a different sort of neocareerist altogether, and does not appeal to Heinsohn's spinach about ‘sacrifice’, only to his Demographics for Dummies, with which the dotty adolfology has no immediately visible connection.

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