07 August 2009

Gone Trollin’

(( A whole lot of fuss, Dr. Bones, only to find that one cannot get the TPM Café comments software to do strikethroughs. So I'll dump it here and maybe send a link to it there. Happy days. ))


Why not give that troll citizenness a dose of Dr. Rotwang’s Reality Pills? Let her go attempt to terrorize her Fedguv Rep into compliance with the militant extremist GOP -- only to run into some counterterror and wind up with (for example) a bloody nose. [1]

Thus, you see, the citizenness would be provided with a chance to find out how happy she really is with her favorite premium-eaters. Will they pay the claim promptly and cheerfully, or will they defend their profitability tooth-and-nail, perhaps arguin’ that the citizenness brought nosebleed problems on herself by venturin’ into a well marked combat zone as was perspicuously delineated in section 113 (b) [II] {c} of the policy product? [2]

She may be quite certain that she is blissfully happy with her present arrangements. Nevertheless, I betcha she has not actually read all the fine print that Scrooge Assurance Trust LLC has graciously made available. Life is short, after all, not to mention unfair, and obviously the fine print in H. R. ??? takes precedence. Obviously.

In any event, her bliss would be all the more impressive to bystanders if she had actually had to use her coverage and is not just speculatin’ about it hypothetically like a Wallstreeter. It’s only too easy for your typical backwards-leanin’ citizenness to sit on some comfy cumulonimbus up in Foxcuckooland harpin’ away ’n’ singin

For whatever reason, you prefer your head-in-the-sand magic-fairy-world view of reality, in which Americans will suddenly give up the well-known, well-understood (if somewhat flawed) health care system they have, for a completely unknown, pig-in-a-poke, government run single payer system.

-- and that, despite the fact that Baron Baucus of Montanastán has already put the kibosh on all single-poke and single-porker plans!

That such a sweet puppy of Endarkenment as this one don’t have all her facts lined up quite straight is, of course, no reason for more sensible persons to take to illiberalism and antidemocracy and the cult of Big Management. A lot of very interested persons have sayin’ a lot of things at the citizenness that she cannot reasonably be expected to evaluate accurately down in her basement social labóratory.

Very likely the citizenness does not actually know much more about unreformed medicine in the holy Homeland™ than she learned in kindergarten. 0.00%, approximately, of what there is to know. What she does know is whom to trust – i.e., good folksy folks like (say) Neocomrade Dr. L. Limbaugh rather than elitist fiends in human form like Secretary Sebelius and President Summers and Mr. Obama. Plus her local congresscritter, if he is a Demoncrat. (Plus definitely Dr. Rotwang.)

Well, knowledge and accuracy are great goods, yet loyalty is a virtue too, is it not? It’s not very civil to call the citizenness a ’troll’ when she is just out agitproppin’ faithfully for Party ’n’ Ideology -- for keepin’ her country in the hands of respectable neocomrades who have actually met a payroll or two.

Of course it is August, and of course that Big Management Party line of "JUST VOTE NO!" does get a little wearisome to hear of after about the thirty-eighth repetition. But come along, good guys, surely our flesh is not so weak that we cannot put up with America’s Otherparty’s noise machine!

Happy days.




[1] Though I write merrily as befits the time of year, yet I put it to everybody of good will that coverage of those entirely uninsured should not be made the center of this affair. People who thought they were adequately covered only to go bankrupt when they learn better are at least as important. Maybe more important. I wish we were hearing more about them.

Possibly the blue dogs and green weenies and whatever worry that "the Democrat Party" will be accused of launching a wicked Class War if we start making Jane Sixpack doubt that the secret or private sector has her all taken care of in sæcula sæculorum amen.

But that’s silly – we’re guilty of Class War just by breathing, as far as the staff and management of Rio Limbaugh are concerned. You might as well be hanged for a sheep, ladies and gentlemen!

[2] LEGAL NOTICE. Dr. Rotwang did not actually prescribe this innovative course of political therapy, though I thought as I read him that he might be leading up to something of the sort.

Should the irate troll citizenness act along the lines above suggested and then discover that Scrooge Assurance is go’n’ta weasel on her, it is the present keyboard that she ought to sic her tort lawyer on. Not that that plan will do her much good: Hard to lick honey out of a marble stone....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much orotundity and effort for so few readers.

Truly you need a wider stage for your musings. Perhaps something that doesn't have the echo of cracked bathroom tile and shag carpeting.