16 April 2009

Conservatives mount anti-tax 'tea party' protests across the US

This keyboard would almost certainly not comment if some fringe of the Stupid Party on Airstrip One were to show off its quaint tribal dances and its ideological handicraft work in a comparable way. ("Comment is free," to be sure. And one usually gets about what one pays for.)

Speaking of value for money, e-comradess ‘amacd’ with her CORPORATE ELITES (a product only available in majuscules, for some reason) purports to be from the former Massachusetts, but who can accept that claim? Anybody who seriously believes that yesterday’s dogs and ponies were trained and harnessed by the razor-sharp managerial minds of Harvard Victory School MBA’s must live a long way from the nearest business corporation. At Havana, possibly, or on the Moon.

A few individual lackeys and runnin’ dogs of Wall Street may have sent the Teapers a little money out of misconceived ideological solidarity (or Alzheimer's, or a congenital brain defect), but if CORPORATE ELITES had actually been involved in a managerial rôle, it would have been a very different show. Notice that Neocomrade A. Mudrick of Oregon, whom Mr. Nasaw will have picked by the lucky dip method, is no friend to CORPORATE ELITES, though cranky enough nevertheless: he "carried a sign describing the US Federal Reserve as a clandestine puppet master. ‘This is a civil liberties issue. This is an issue of our freedom, and breaking the chains of taxation without representation.’ "

Perhaps Citizen Abe of OR and Citizenness ‘amacd2’ of ME (?) should schedule a conference committee to iron out their differences about which side Herr Generalquartiermeister B. Bernanke von Ludendorff is fighting for.

Meanwhile, if some C. Wright Mills Power Elite® actually existed and ruled the holy Homeland™ from an undisclosed location (which is not the case at all, though the proof is too long to fit in the margin), are not the antecedent probabilities heavily on Abe's side? Imagining the Fed as a clandestine puppet with its string pulled by (say) "Eric Odom, a Chicago-based internet activist who helped organise the protests," is the sort of mental stunt best left for Miss Alice to practice before breakfast. (Say I.)

E-comrade ‘orangebag’ cannot be a holy Homelander™, so I trust Citizen Abe will not be too annoyed about "the dumbest sounding quotation." The neocomrade probably stands well over towards the right edge of the Herrnstein-Murray IQ Curve© -- cranks often do.

Q1. "How would anyone actually take someone like this seriously?"

A1. Anyone must speak for himself. The present keyboard takes Neocomrade A. Mudrick of Oregon seriously because his vote counts as much as the keyboard’s own. That is admittedly not quite the same as respecting wingnutty Rand-Nozick (‘libertarian’) opinions in isolation.

Q2. "Do they believe they didn't lose the election?"

A2. That is a very hard question, unless it is meant strictly literally. Those of us who do not much care for the denizens of Hooverville and Rio Limbaugh and Wingnut City are always tempted to exaggerate when attempting to imagine what goes on between their ears. One might start by doubting whether the GOP geniuses and their Party base and vile (plus extraterrestrial fellow-travelers from Planet Dilbert like A. Mudrick of Oregon) attach the same importance to elections that decent political grown-ups do.

The Konservative Kiddies know that they lost the election, but they do not (as I conjecture) altogether understand why that misfortune should prevent them from runnin’ most departments and divisions of America Inc.

The present keyboard was physically present at the Teaper rally beside Boston Harbour, though it went home before they chucked the vile contraband. One of the (smallish) crowd’s favorite collective barks and bellows ran "YOU WORK FOR US! YOU WORK FOR US!", starrin’ poor old Uncle Sam (a.k.a. "The Fedguv") as ‘you’.

On the whole, that is about what Wingnut City really has in mind: most of ‘government’ is a matter of contractual obligations of the wicked public sector to the Noble Private Sector. Elections are all very well in their way--sort of, maybe--but they are certainly not to be made the occasion for an orgy of infringments of the sanctity of contract!

That account would have to be extensively revised, however, to be applicable to a presidential election that the kiddies managed to win. If that ever happens again, doubtless the militant extremist GOP will be even more militant and extreme than ever before, buildin’ upon the Unified-Executive Branch Theory (Pat. Pend.) developed under George XLIII by Neocomrades R. B. Cheney and A. Gonzales and J. Yoo, Esq., and the rest of that crew that some dotty Spaniard would like to prosecute.

When the kiddies are locked out, in short, the word ‘government’ means scarcely more than lighthouse maintenance. When they can get their paws on the wheel, however, that narrow notion goes out the window like an oblongus pie, and the GOP geniuses start applyin’ the methodology of the Harvard Victory School MBA gentry: the holy Homeland™ is to be run like a railroad by grave and sober statesman of industry, folks who have actually met a payroll (or wrecked a global financial system), unlike Comrade POTUS. The Big Managers of a private business corporation are unencumbered by anythin’ very like Congress or courts, so "of course" when the Party of Big Management graciously condescends to bigmanage the USA, the very first thing to do is to minimize interference from those incompetent directions.

"Heads they win, tails we lose."

As noted, there is a temptation to lay it on with a trowel or a dump truck whenever one starts reconstructing the neocomradely state of mind. Perhaps it is over the line to notice that our HVS MBA's are also (almost completely) unconstrained by elections. I should hesitate to claim that Yank reaction would like to abolish elections, or even bring back poll taxes and property qualifications so as to restore a proper Hamiltonio-Murdochoid balance and fairness. But still ....

... still, it is not easy to avoid suspecting that the underlyin’ grievance of Kiddie Konservative could be boiled down to approximately "What’s really wrong with God’s Country is that too damn many people (or: ‘losers’) in it are allowed to vote!"

Happy days.

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