The BTBK, bow-tied boss kisser, really ought to give us a quick scribble to match the title Wombschoolin for Dummies. For the crux an pith an gist an active ingredient of Neowhightism, on its ’conservative’ iintellectual’ side, could not be better expressed than his freelordship here expresses it, despite unfairly singlin out dear Kruggie:
[B]asically the whight response to Paul Krugman [is] a pitying silence as one averts one’s eyes and hurries on
Not bein a Perfesser of Logic, to put it mildly, the BTBK can be spared captious criticism about revilin one’s bosses’ Class enemies being maybe just a smidging inconsistent with ignorin em.
Moreover, his freelordship is (probably) not a Perfesser of MacL@@han Studies either, so the earnest young wombscholar an freedowndumbee will have to look elsewhere for advice on how to get her pityin silence shytk quight unmistakably whight, with nobooby out there in T@@bavisionland in any danger of mistaking her pity-based silence for a wordlessness born of gloatin, or of commiseratin, or of sheer aghastitude, not to mention several dozen other candidates.
The Silence of Ignoringce is easier. In fact, ignoringce is usually floatin whight there in plain sight on the scummy surface of one’s silence for every cofactionalist to admire. The only problem is that a scorecard may sometimes be necessary to make out exactly which patient is getting this particular course of Kimball Therapy (© ™ ® & Pat. Pend.)
His cravatophile freelordship would be a good deal more amusin. it seems to the present keyboard, were HCphL simply to write "Why I Admire Paul Krugman an Yoo Should Too" at the top of a blank sheet
an leave it at that. Winque, winque; nodde, nodde.
Para despedirme de Vds. les deseo felices días, "Happy days"
[1] Being a universal genius, Kruggie did not surprise Eye and Paddy a bit by having spotted Bozo von Padschama bein silent at him from several kilometres off:
Now, the obvious riposte here is that we know why we have a weak recovery, and it’s not Obama’s evil eye — it’s the normal hangover from a severe financial crisis, which could only have been averted by much stronger fiscal and monetary stimulus. But that’s NOT A STORY the Romney PEOPLE WANT TO HEAR. Hence the DETERMINED EFFORT by people like [the bow-tied boss kisser] TO DISMISS everything we’ve learned — and I don’t just mean me, I mean Rogoff-Reinhart, the IMF, Alan Taylor, and more — about the macro effects of financial crises. So there you have it. The true plan is to provide an economic stimulus in the form of Romney’s awesome awesomeness; the cover story is the pretense of having an actual program. Are you feeling confident? |
(( DIGRESSION. At last Kruggie has almost, but not quite, got the range of Mittius Coriolanus Pompo, Demander of Apologies, Despiser of apologetic wimps, Master of Seamus, Stepmaster to Miss Rafalca, Binder of Babes [new item 10/20/2012 04:34], Baincapper Extraordinaire, &c. &c. &c. ... nausea ... &c. &c.
(( Comrade Krugman still does not clearly see that the awesome awesomeness in question is not, mostly, a matter of His Mass. Excellency’s *personal* self-wunnerfulness, down at some wretched Kimbalkoid level, for all that H. M. E. is undeniably a double-barrelled H*rv*rd ’75. No, the really spiffy thing about ‘Mittens’ Romney is that to elect H. M. E. will be to entrust the destinies of our holy Homeland™ to a whole Class of Awesomes. Or make that "to ¡A Whole CLASS of Awesomes!"
(( Thus "the pretense of having an actual program" is, to some extent, unfair to H. M. E., who certainly does not slouch forwards with some cheapjack Fourteen Points to wave at T@@bavisionland and the electorate as if H. E. were St. Woodrow come again. The supposed secret plan is plain as day, really, an not to be compared with the shenaningands of President Kissinger an Dr. Nixing. Much better than knowin exactly what to do, His Awesomeness knows ... ¡ta-DAAH! ... whom to hire.
(( No doubt several godzillion potboilers titled something like 318.5 Management Secrets of Mary Baker Eddy have already discovered or invented that Peruna, more or less. Still, His Awesomeness will, if Father Zeus really hates us, be the first to put it into actual operation in the non-secret sector. Mittens will hire US the whight Classmates, an then their freelordships will see what needs to be done an promptly sally forth to do it.
(( Whereupon The Awesomes will collide at once with Johannes von Böhner und Erich von Kantor und Mitchel von McConnell an with all the other Classmates (an the hired hands, an the flat-out scabs, maybe even with the tame bow-tied perfessers of reaction) assembled in the lobby behind that crew.
(( That, however, is another story down to which we have not yet sunk. ))