Dear Dr. Bones,
¿What, in your opinion, sir, is going on here:
Gotta tell you all. I am heartbroken. Waiting for the day a majority of my neighbors realize how much they have been 'dumbed-down'. So few understand the English language meaning of the words they echo, therefore the effects of reducing Government spending on Education and Infrastructure. One might excuse those in denial because they are enjoying the 'status quo'. But now, too many under-educated/mis-informed are shouting rhetoric they themselves cannot explain. So many express catch-phrases in utter irrelevance [0], that discussions melt into sound-bites from movies. There are a few who appeal for us to wake up. So I am hopeful. What does Rick Perry, Rick Scott or Scott Walker actually do for the MAJORITY of their (_sic_) citizens? With manufacturing moved to Asia, many leave the State or now work in retail. Others, remain unemployed. Lower earnings means fewer consumers. Fewer consumers slows down the economy. The millionaires travel to their new factories and ignore the plight until they get some other incentive to 'toss us a bone' (re-invest) at guaranteed profit margins. Will we resume thinking of ourselves as Americans, proudly building our country, or as selfish, greedy gamblers supporting the advancement of another nation which offers cheap labor to same business that left our neighbors unemployed? SLAVERY RE-EMERGES! |
(A) Is Mr. Poster heartlessly--"thank you, Governor"--makin' fun of the kiddiecons, pretendin' not to understand that about the last thought to drift across the ditto-infested brainpan is "How if I myself have been dumbed down?"
Naturally the more Wally Wombschool OUGHT to think that, the less likely that he ever will. Wombscholarship an’ freedumbin’ down reinforce themselves positively.
Alternatively, (B) has St. Elizabeth of Warrenbuffet found a propagandist of genius who can actually market Her stuff [1] to virtual proles and _Herald_ groupies?
Well, maybe neither. My best guess why so heretical a scribble earned eighteen thumbs up over in Louisedayhicksville is (C) that the kiddies found two hundred and nine (209) words done up as a single paragraph impossibly challengin’, an’ just skimmed it. By accident, more or less [2], most of the jackdaws picked up the same gaud, the one about all of Mr. Poster's neighbors suddenly waking up an' realizing that Poster has been whight all along. Master Wally already feels a lot like that, an' so does Cindy from Wasilla. Feelin' a lot like that is among the common _sequellæ_ of gettin' clobbered over the head with a bag full of AstroTurf™.
Not much insight is required to work out that our old pal Narcissus Dexter is pullin’ most of the strings here. Exactly WHAT it is that Master Narky has been whight from the start about an' everybody else asleep to does not much matter compared to the fact Narky, at least, never let up his dragon watch with unenchanted eye for even a nanosecond. No doubt the _señorito_ is happy that some of the neighbors are finally wakin’ up, but I betcha he would not be pleased if they never do clearly realize that Narky D. attained unto whighteousness before they did. They also selfservice, no doubt, whose Party cards have six or seven digits in the serial number, but ¡let them be humble vis-à-vis their manifest Betters! Like for example Don Narcissito del Derecho.
Happy days.
[0] If Mr. Poster is taken for a spoofster, then "utter irrelevance" fits whight in that all that jazz is formally a comment on a piece about the electoral fortunes of Willardmitt, second Freelord Romney in the peerage of Wingnut City -- to which it is utterly irrelevant. Self-referentially irrelevant, too, which seems to me rather a nifty trick.
[1] A strict critic might wish me to identify it as Professor Krugman's stuff, or even poor Barry's stimulus Peruna, rather than St. Elizabeth's. The difference is immaterial for purposes of the present analysis, for the kiddiecons would blanch an' barf at the sight of all the above, were they to recognize them.
[2] If you like my Hypothesis (B), sir, or even if you merely suppose that Mr. Poster is *some* kind of skilled rhetor and agitpropper, though not necessarily the Lieberal Demoncrat kind, then you might support your view by noting that the gaud in question is conveniently placed at the beginning. You might go on to notice "SLAVERY RE-EMERGES" at the far end of the _shtyk_ and conjecture that the Wally-Cindy-Narky Dexter neoreadin’ of the thing is likely to be -- was original-intented to be -- that what the neighborhood ought to wake up to (but is not news to the all-vigilant Sir Walter Wombschool-Mitty) is that somehow they have been, or are about to be, reduced to some worse-than-Hayekian serfdom.
That will serve nicely as a Tee Putty repository, it seems to me, and if Mr. Poster himself fills it up with a different ideoproduct, well, it is in the nature of repositories that they can stand pretty well anything, fillingwise. St. Elizabeth could fill this one up with "¡Let them wake up and see what the banksters are doing to them!" Comrade Frank once filled it up with Kansas.
Probably the whole business came out from under the overcoat of Valentinus , not merely chronologically, but in the sense that any other version that vouchsafed in _The Gospel of Truth_ is bound to be less comprehensive.