A wingnutette has wingnuttized
If this is what is called "debate" in the Obama world. Well next thing you will see is Charlie Rangel will be chairman of the ethics committee. Yes, this is the Obama world. |
What do you think, Dr. Bones? Can you imagine that some GOP genius or konservative kiddie actually say yesterday’s human (?) event was supposed to be a ‘debate’?
I mean, did any of ’em say that BEFORE it happened?
Here in darkest Pickupstán [1] , Neocomrade Coach H. Carr and his ratfinkpack naturally take the line after the fact that the visitin’ team, that of Rio Limbaugh--and of themselves, oddly enough--won handily, so probably by this afternoon we shall be hearing that poor President Summers and Mr. O’Bama lost a vote of confidence and have till the Ides of March to resign or be ass... or be expungated with extreme prejudice. [2]
But no, I beg your pardon, sir: the kiddies in question cannot possibly think of Debate as a serious and hollerworthy high-school sport comparable to (Yank style) Football. Debate is not much better than soccer, kiddiesportswise, and everybody knows how unheimatländisch soccer is. Possibly the Kenyan Candidate™ never actually starred as a "deep-lying forward" [3] for Marxchester United, but that sort of oversight only adds redundantly to the evidence that Neocomrade G. Norquist could big-manage the affairs of gods and men far better than Father Zeus does.
Neocomradess Poster, doubtless a redstate-blooded antisoccer mom despite her curious Hawai’iöid Jane Hancock, does not make quite clear whether she herself thinks it was a ‘debate’. She does not spell out what she is whimperin’ ’bout at all, actually, though I betcha it has at least partially to do with the way the K.C. hogged a grossly disproportionate amount of the air time. [4]
The present keyboard finds it impossible to empathise very deeply with the sweet puppies of Endarkenment merely because of the clock-hogging. Wombscholars who did not cut the sixth lecture of "Chicagonomics for Dummies 101" will have been taught that "the House" ALWAYS comes out ahead at that type of game.[5][6]
Prescinding from empathy, the Wingnut City high command is in an interesting position at the moment, their obvious tactic bein’ to persuade Televisionland and the electorate that the ‘rules’ of Debate are indeed the same as those of Hearts, that the Kenyan Candidate™ and Team Pelosi lose because the KC hogged.
The fun part here is that almost all the everyday sentimentality / ‘ideology’ of the neocomrades has it that hoggin’ is good. Mr. Obama and President Summers and "the Democrat Party" are--mirabile dictu and just this once--to be DISapproved of for refusing to impersonate Mr. Nice Guy!
Perhaps, Dr. Bones, we should ask the Yorktown (VA) High School Band to play us that little ditty from the days of General Lord Cornwallis, The World Turned Upside Down?
Healthy days.
[1] http://tinyurl.com/ykcdm9h Ense petit placidam sub libertotalitaritate inquidimentum, "By the sword she (the late Miss Rand of St. Petersburg, presumably, or conceivably the late Mr. Nozick of H*rv*rd) seeks Planet Dilbert!"
For Coach Carr, http://tinyurl.com/yflnslx . If he had had his druthers, Dr. Bones, surely Master Howie woulda hit some crimmigrant wetback rather than a (probably) rightist-minded Pole. On the other hand, czy ja wiem?
[2] If that was not the OOI, Obvious Original Intent (Pat. Pend.), of Mr. Madison and the Gang of ’87, sir, I hope you will tell me what was.
[3] Now there is a trouvée for you, Dr. Bones, if ever there was one! ¡Que lástima that not one wingnutette or wingnut in a thousand knows any more about Britsport than the Muses and you and I!
The learnèd wikipædiatricians mention at URL cit. that the élitist effeminacy involves a player called a "Libero." That, however, seems to be only the Italian word for what Airstrip One knows as a "Sweeper." If the kiddie selfservative movement tarted that up a bit into, say, "sweeper under the rug" on the pattern of "catcher in the rye," I guess they could use it to bash Cook County’s and the H*rv*rd Law Review’s Finest with.
Nevertheless, it provides not one-tenth the polemical bang for a buck of "deep lying forward."
[4] At half time, Neocomrade Dr. Limbaugh scored the event (I quote from memory) as follows: sixty-eight (68) minutes for the Kenyan Candidate™, sixty (60) minutes for "the Democrat Party," and fifty-six (56) minutes for the ever-lustrous Daughters of Virtue and Sons of Wisdom LLC. (Alternatively, Wingnut City 56, America’s party 128.)
So MacLuhanesque a proceeding is not really amenable to being evaluated by the standards of Sabbath-afternoon secondary-school football as practiced in Greater Texas, but you must admit, Dr. Bones, that Dr. Limbaugh does manage to achieve quantification. The guru of EIB and his chela, Neocomradess Poster of TPMC, take for granted, I daresay, that ‘debate’ is scored like Hearts: the lowest score (in minutes) wins.
[5] That is a tad too positive, because I do not know the curriculum of Wombschool Normal University and St. Dilbert Antistate College at first hand. Nevertheless, inasmuch as the mission of these institutions is to prepare neokiddies to take part in what Party ’n’ Ideology used to call an "investment society" (back before the Crawford Crash), the indoctrinators and invigilators would simply not be earnin’ their paychecks if they failed to explain the micromammonology of organised neospeculation, vulgarly called gamblin’. The more so in that the Daughters of Virtue and Sons of Wisdom LLC have nowadays a distinct tendency to take runnin’ a casino as the very model of modern Big Management.
And this is a very appropriate model for the DVSW to select, Dr. Bones, for is not a guaranteed revenue stream for "The House" the obvious next stage of Citizen Rush’s ‘societal evolution’ after the limited-liability corporation itself? Cuttin’ one’s losses is all very well in its place, but what properly incentivised (‘incentivated’?) Hoovervillain would not much prefer to be thinkin’ positive and guaranteein’ his gains? "Boost, don’t knock!"
Doubtless the selfservative kiddies cannot ALL get neorich by takin’ in one another’s bettin’ slips any more than they could in the old joke by takin’ in one another’s laundry, but unless a great many of them can, Chicagonomics may turn out to be less than was offered in the famous cocktail-napkin prospectus. The Muses and you and I assume that it’s a scam, of course, Dr. Bones, and the kiddies’ own paymasters and astroturfers can only be said to believe in it with a great deal of mentalis restrictio . But these discouragin’ points of view cannot be common in the Faculty Clubs at W.N.U. and St. Dilbert.